Unique treasures for Magical Living

Unique minerals

$30.00 - $64.00

I found a selection of a few minerals that I only have one of each. A hand-picked these and wanted to see if anyone would be interested in some of these raw materials as opposed to polished items. They are sold individually and they are all very different.

1. Number one is a snail fossil. I do have two of these left and it's something that I do. Try to restock. If you order number one you will get the exact piece shown in this picture.

2. This is Velvet obsidian. So this piece is about 3 in wide and stands nicely as a display piece. Velvet obsidian has rainbow stripes in it and you can see in one of the pictures. The yellowy streaks that run through it. It has the same properties as regular obsidian, but this is a more rare variety. It's a nice size and shape.

3. This is a piece of cobalto calcite. I do have some other pieces of this available on the site. It's so beautiful this pink color. The back of this is a pale shimmery pink that almost looks like tourmaline or rose quartz. I just love this Stone so much and I can't believe it's natural. If you order number three you will get this exact piece.

4. This is black tourmaline quartz. I was excited how perfectly balanced the quartz and tourmaline are and this is one of my favorite magical stones to work with as it combines two powerful energies. This piece is 2.5 in and it's the only one that I have.

5. This is a fabulous faceted piece of garden quartz. It measures approximately 2 in. I only have this one piece currently.

6. This is a large piece of argonite. Very sparkly it measures just over 3 in. I tried to keep small pieces of this stocked but this is one of the only big pieces I have currently and if you order number six you will get this exact piece.

7. This is called candle quartz. It's a Milky slightly pink quartz that looks cloudy and like melted candle wax. This is the only piece I have of this. It's gorgeous and it measures 4 in

8. The last is peridot in basalt. I only have one piece of this. It measures 2.5 in and it's a rich sparkly green on the black basalts and the back side has a shimmery golden component. A softer stone, more delicate.