Unique treasures for Magical Living

Black Hex Rings

$145.00 - $175.00

sold individually. All one of a kind and sterling silver. Each ring comes on a a thick, comfortable floral band.

Black Hex rings (size 9, 6 and 6 )

Large obsidian rings set in textured sterling silver. Obsidian is a favorite stone of mine, there's a lot to say about it.

Obsidian is volcanic glass that is highly protective. It is sharper than glass and has been used in the past for blades, arrows and weapons, and is even sometimes used in surgical tools as it is sharper than steel. It is said to shield the wearer against negativity, ground you through your root chakra and can be helped, through meditation, to draw out mental tension and stress. There is a long history of people using Obsidian for the practice of divination. Black mirrors or 'scrying mirrors' work as a tool for meditation. Gaze into the darkness and see what messages the spirit world has for you.